Product Description
Ingredients: Black tea (China).
BATCH TL 09 SEPT 2024 – …detailed note to customers:
Our recent batch of Lapsang Souchong (with Best Before labels between “1 March 2026” and “03 September 2026”) has been described by our regular customers as a “bit different” &” lighter in aroma and flavour” then tea we had prior to March 2024. This batch has now ended, and we are unable to get any more Lapsang from this (regular) supplier until early 2025 (date TBC). Noting, that the flavour profile and strength of that future Lapsang cannot be ascertained prior to its arrival, unfortunately. Fingers crossed it’s like pre March 2024!
We have however decided to trial a different Lapsang supplier for the interim months. To do this we have had to cap availability at the 500g size and increase the price. Lapsang from this temporary supplier are all coded “BTL092024” We invite your feedback on this matter. Please email us at Thank you for being a loyal customer of our small Tasmanian business. Kind regards, The Art of Tea-m |
Susan Maxwell-Stewart –
Ive found Lapsang Souchong an elusive tea in Australia after first buying in teabag variety in English supermarkets.
This year I finally found two sources in WA … which then went out of stock . Oh no!
Searching online, I found Art of Tea which not only stocked my favourite tea but added first-order free shipping from distant Tasmania
This is a delicious variety of Lapsang Souchong, gutsy, fragrant, am hooked.
When next in Tassie at New Year I’ll stock up on a year ‘s supply to carry home across the Nullarbor .
Susan Maxwell -Stewart
Perth WA
Paul Pruss –
Wounderfully smokey with a medium mouth feel / viscosity. I can’t describe it better than a previous review as “gutsy and fragrant”. Brewed “GongFu” style it allows you to vary the intensity as well as getting 4-8 100ml – 120ml cups (5-7g brew weight).
Also an interesting tea to blend with. I quite enjoy brewing 3g-4g in with AOT Gabba Oolong for a rich smokey Gabba pick-me-up after a night out on the town.